Sunday, January 18, 2015

Back to the Daily Grind

You know what's hard? Having 3 weeks of complete freedom to do whatever you want and then have all of that freedom taken away from you because of school starting up again. Am I glad I'm in school to become a doctor? Of course! Do I still wish that there was more free time to spend with Sariah? Oh, most definitely! How many questions can I ask myself and then give the answer right after in this blog? Just these 3.

I hope that this doesn't sound like I'm only here to play the "woe is me; I'm a medical student" card. The concepts that we're learning are really cool. After many years of struggling to understand the difference between humoral and cell-mediated immunity, I can finally answer that question and sound like I know what I'm talking about. Amazing stuff! The only problem with learning really cool things is that there is a ton of little details that go along with it. Thankfully, this semester's schedule is lighter in that I have afternoons free of labs most of the time. We're taking the same number of credits (27.5), but the required in class time seems less. I can't even imagine how things would be if we had anatomy thrown into the mix again. It just gives me the heeby-jeebies thinking about it.

And back to my first point. It's hard coming back from vacation! I know what I signed up for though and all in all, I am extremely grateful to be here studying medicine. What would I be doing otherwise? Probably not breaking an implied promise I made at the start of this blog about only asking myself and answering only 3 questions. Anywho, it's back to the grindstone for me.

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